We take great pride in the care we give to our animals and the land that they live and graze on. We are dedicated to raising all of our animals sustainably, ethically, and humanely. Our sheep live on lush pasture, and we move them every few days to make sure that they have the best plants and plenty of space to keep them healthy and happy. They also play a role in our larger farm ecosystem, as they help sequester carbon in our pastures, build topsoil, and make productive use of fields that are not growing vegetables. These grazing practices not only benefit our farm and our land, they also improve the quality and flavor of the meat we provide to you, resulting in tender, lean, and exceptionally flavorful lamb of the highest quality.
Lamb Shares
2024 Lamb Shares are still available!
Email us at csa@heartyroots.com if you are interested in placing an order.
Our pasture-raised lamb shares are available for purchase by the quarter, half, or whole animal.
What is included in a lamb share?
A standard lamb share is the meat from one whole lamb. A whole lamb includes about 30–35 lb. of frozen meat, including rib and loin lamb chops, a leg roast, meat for kebabs, ground lamb, and shanks. A half-lamb share will include ~15-18 lb. of frozen meat of various cuts. A quarter share will include 8-10 lbs. of meat, including a half leg roast, ground lamb, and lamb chops. Additional cuts may be included, though no specific cut is guaranteed. Based on the genetics of the flock and our grazing practices, we expect exquisite flavor!
Butchering and Cuts
We will have our butcher cut the meat to our standard preferences. A whole lamb share should take up about a milk crate's worth of space in a freezer, very manageable for a small or medium family.
If you order a whole lamb for the November pickup date and would prefer to specify your own cut sheet, we can accommodate that if you provide us details by October 25th. Email us at csa@heartyroots.com to request a custom cut sheet.

Pickup Dates
There are two lamb share pickups in 2024:
Wednesday, November 13th, 3pm–6pm, at the farm — to pick up on this date, purchase the "Lamb Share (Nov. 13th pickup)" item in our GrownBy shop.
NEW OPTION: Wednesday, November 20th, 3pm–6pm, at the farm — to pick up on this date, purchase the "Lamb Share (Nov. 20th pickup)" item in our GrownBy shop.
NEW OPTION for BROOKLYN: Add lamb to your Thanksgiving Share, for pickup in Brooklyn on November 23rd. Visit our Thanksgiving Share page for all of the details about this option.
We previously had Monday, October 21st listed as a pickup date option, but that lamb share pickup date has been cancelled.
Please put your selected pickup date on your calendar! We do not have freezer space to hold shares for late pickup unless you make special arrangements with us ahead of time.
UPDATE: If the above dates have passed and you are still interested in placing an order, you can email us at csa@heartyroots.com to inquire about availability.
2024 Prices:
$650 per whole lamb share
$360 per half lamb share
$195 per quarter lamb share
Email us at csa@heartyroots.com if you have any questions or if you would like to place an order.